Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hey there, Blogosphere.

So, I have a lot more to do this semester than I thought I would. I'm working on a few writing projects, all at the same time. Normally this would have me very scattered, but the projects I'm working on are things I've given a lot of thought to. One of them I've been planning for at least a few years, but never had the patience or peace of mind to deal with. Since I know where they're going, I'm not having too difficult a time moving through them.

A paper for Creative Nonfiction was supposed to be a "Walking" essay. That is, it's based around moving through the community, making observations. Obviously papers like this have a main object (a physical setting or topic) and an under-topic (the actual meaning and point of the essay). However, I really hate walking around with no aim. When I'm going somewhere I'm focused on my objective and rarely have time to make relevant observations; unless something extreme happens like a car accident or a nearly naked woman. I noticed that the only time I really pay attention to the things around me is when I'm sitting outside for a cigar. So I've decided to make a Journal of sorts. Most hobbyists keep a journal of their favorite experiences, whether it is wine or scotch or cigars or model railroads. I haven't figured out the under-topic yet, but the format should lend itself to a lot of different things.

I'm also working on another CNF piece (both are for Franke oddly enough) about my father's job. The assignment was to learn about a community that is completely foreign to us, and I'd say I'm rather unfamiliar with the world of Nuclear engineering. I'm trying to steer away from the "my dad can beat your dad up" schoolyard bullshit.

By the way no one reads this blog. Anyway. I'm going to finally start work on my fantasy story. I'm not going to write straight genre fiction because there's so much trash out there and I don't need to add to it. There's absolutely no blood in those books (figuratively speaking). I'm going to throw a lot of experimental things into the book, or rather experimental for that genre. Writing CNF should help my fiction, which sounds odd, but a lot of the techniques can be applied: if you read war books, there's often a lot of different accounts of the same events, letters and correspondence, etc. It's rare to see that in fantasy so I'm really excited about getting to work on this one.

I'll keep you (blog) posted with upates on how this stuff works out.

1 comment:

rayhedrick said...

I'm sure SOMEONE reads your blog.