Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event

You may notice that this is, yet again, my return to the blogging world. I know, last time I promised it would be a regular habit. That didn't work out. I fully intended to blog quite a bit; but no excuses, it didn't happen. Intentions don't count for very much (unless of course you are a deontologist).

I think my problem with blogging comes from a complete lack of a theme. Ray is very focused in what he will write about on his blog. Otherwise it would read much more like mine, which reads a bit like a diary, which means I might be part gay. So, I have decided that while not every single entry needs to be rigidly formatted to fit a theme, I will try to center myself around a few ideas or subjects.

This will be erratic at first, mainly because I am updating for class quite a bit in the next week, and will be trying to reach a "quota" (something that I know, personally, does not breed enlightenment).

Possible ideas:

Comic books
Beer or liquor tasting
The post-graduate experience

In other news: class was cancelled today. Not a bad start to a day on the computer.

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