Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Money To Burn

Well, thanks to a spyware virus, the lengthy, deliberate draft I just typed has been lost. You'll now get the short version, which I'm sure is something people like Ray will appreciate. Evidently I am too long winded.

I have a bit of money sitting around for one of the first times in my life. I do not want to simply stuff it away into a bank account and "save" for later in my life. My first idea was a Spring Break, but the whole screaming, mtv cameras, condoms on the beach thing seems so overdone and gutless to me. I'm not sure, it just isn't my scene despite my love for parties and bars.

My next thought was to take a trip to visit my friends from London. Since the end of the study abroad program we've had a few reunions and I enjoyed going to each of them. The friends I made on the trip are more important to me than some of the friends I have had for years. However it seems that all of the girls from the trip have already organized themselves a trip to Florida. I don't take it personally that I was not invited (though perhaps I should) because it seems like only the girls are involved. This confuses me on one hand because I never considered our group of friends to be organized by basis of sex, but on the other hand I understand that it's just an extended "girls night out" sort of thing.

(Or, I have simply missed hints that no one likes me. I have been oblivious before.)

So the point is-- where are we going for vacation?


rayhedrick said...

You know what I think...

We could go on a snowboarding excursion; however, I don't know if that's such a good idea.

rayhedrick said...

As I re-read this, I'm curious to ask why you think your "friends" in London would want to see you?

Just a thought.